Youth and Education
Our youth and educational services goal is to develop fully prepared, engaged and empowered young people with the cognitive and social skills needed to compete and succeed in the 21st century.
Our Programs
AC2 | Access College, Access Career – The Urban League’s academic challenge program focuses on students in Title I fayette county schools. This academic competition provides extra time on core content, emphasizes teamwork and collaboration, enhances social and emotional learning, and reinforces parent engagement with student success as the outcome. To enroll, please look for information to be distributed at your child’s school or contact Annissa Franklin at
LIFT – The Lifting and Impacting Futures Today Conference is a one-day conference for pre-K through high school students across Kentucky and their parents. Attendees gather to learn more about being prepared for college and the workforce. Parents spend additional time learning about financial aid, student support and their child’s individual development plans. High school seniors are eligible to compete for $10,000 in scholarship funds. This conference is scheduled for March 21, 2020. For more information, please contact Annissa Franklin at
MADE – Motivated All Day Everyday is a gang violence and prevention program for middle and high school students. It provides weekly group counseling and mentoring services for youth identified as “at-risk” of engaging in gang-related activity by school personnel. The program provides coping strategies and life skills to help students deal with the reality of drugs, and gang/community violence. In addition, the program challenges students to develop critical thinking skills that have helped them improve in classroom. For more information, please contact Quincy Murdock.