859-233-1561 RSVP@ullexfay.org

Youth & Education

Academic Challenge II

The Urban League’s Academic Challenge II program, in partnership with Fayette County PublicSchools, allows students in participating Title I schools to spend more time on academics in a funway. Designed to improve academic outcomes and boost parent engagement, the competitionhas served the Lexington community since 2001 and has awarded $2,520,888 in collegescholarships.

2023 Scholarship Winners

The intermediate team from Ashland Elementary and the primary team from ArlingtonElementary secured the 2023 Superintendent’s Cup victories in the districtwide championships.Their participating students will receive college scholarships from Morehead State ($12,000) andMidway University ($20,000), respectively.

Intermediate Division (grades 4-5)

  • 1st place: Ashland Elementary School— Jordan Capley, Hanni Ge, MaryHightower, Cecilia Kaye, JaMariyahLanier, and Finnegan O’Farrell

Primary Division (grades 2-3)

  • 1st place: Arlington ElementarySchool— Selma Angulo, CarolineDavis, Nathan Glover, AriannaLavizzio, Alice Sanda, and MadisonSweatt
Intermediate 1: Ashland
Primary 1: Arlington

Annissa FranklinAnnissa M. Franklin, MS
Vice President
859-233-1561 ext 204

LIFT Conference

The Lifting and Impacting Futures Today Conference is a one-day conference for pre-K throughhigh school students across Kentucky and their parents. This year, the conference will celebrate21 years of empowering students and their families. Attendees gather to learn more about beingprepared for college and exploring career options. Parents participate in financial aid workshops,explore resources, and learn about student supports. High school seniors have an opportunity tocompete for college scholarships.

Mark Your Calendar!

April 13, 2024, 8 AM – 2:00 PM

Annissa FranklinAnnissa M. Franklin, MS
Vice President
859-233-1561 ext 204

MADE: Motivated All Day Everyday

Motivated All Day Everyday provides weekly group counseling and mentoring services for middleand high school youth. The program focuses on social and emotional development and providesstrategies and life skills. In addition, the program challenges students to develop critical thinkingskills that have helped them improve in and out of the classroom. MADE is offered in selectmiddle and high schools in Fayette County. Students are referred to the program by schoolcounselors and administration.

For more information, please contact Logan Avritt by calling 859-233-1561.

Logan AvrittLogan Avritt
MADE Program Director